The first symptom of breast cancer for many women is a lump in their breast. But many women have breast lumps and 9 of 10 [ 90 %] are benign [not dangerous to health]. That means they are not cancers. Most benign breast lumps are
• Cysts-sacs of fluid in the breast tissue, which are quite common.
• Fibro-adenoma a collection of fibrous glandular tissue [these are common n younger women]
• Areas of breast cell changes, causing lumpiness particularly in women over 35.
• Infection or abscess of the breast.
Cancer is a disease characterized by a shift in the control mechanisms that govern cell survival, proliferation and differentiation.
Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells. In other words the breast cancer is a group of abnormal breast cells that have abnormal growth. Such cells proliferate excessively and from a local tumors that can compress or invade adjacent normal structures and to migrate to distant site in the body, called metastasis.
The breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, about one per cent of breast cancers occur in men. Breast cancer incidence in women in United States is 1 in 8 [about 13 %]. In 2009, an estimated 192 370 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in women, along with 62 280 new cases of non-invasive [in situ] breast cancer.
According to the World Health Organization [WHO] statistics in 2005, the number of registered deaths by cause and sex in USA were:
Number [N] of female deaths were 41 116 or rates of 27.3 per 100 000 of female, while number of men deaths were 375 or 0.3 per 100 000 of male population.
The breast cancer was the second leading cause of death of malignant neoplasm in women in USA, the first cause of death was cancer of trachea, bronchus and lung, number female death were 69 105 or 45.9 per 100 000 of female, number of male death were 90 187 or rate of 61.8 per 100 000 of male.
Many women who develop breast cancer have no risk factor other than sex and age. Gender is the biggest risk because breast cancer occurs mostly in women.
Age is another critical factor. Breast cancer may occur at any age, though the risk increases with age.
Breast cancer is always caused by a genetic abnormality. However, only 5-10 % of cancers are due to an abnormality inherited from the mother or father. About 90 % of breast cancers are due to genetic abnormalities that happen as a result of the aging process and the “wear and tear” of life in general.
The p53 gene has been shown to be mutated in up to 50 % of all human solid tumors including liver, breast, colon, lung, cervix, bladder, prostate and skin. Mutation in the gene place the cells at high risk.

The different type of breast cancer, including:
Duct carcinoma in situ [DCIS] non invasive cancer.
Fig.2: Diagram showing duct cancer in situ [DCIS] and invasive duct cancer [IDC].
Fig. 3: Normal breast with invasive duct cancer [IDC]
A Duct
B Lobules [Lobes]
C Dilated section of ducts to hold milk
D Nipple
E Fat
F Pectoral major muscle
G Chest wall.
A Normal cells; B Invasive duct cancer[IDC] cells breaking through the basement membrane; C Basement membrane.
Source: http://www.breastcancer.org/images/invasiv....
Invasive lobes carcinoma [ILC].
Fig.4: Normal breast with invasive lobes carcinoma [ILC]
A Ducts; B Lobes; C Dilated section of duct to hold milk; D Nipple; E Fat; F Chestwall/rib cage.
A Normal cells; B Invasive lobes cancer [ILC] cells breaking through the basement membrane; C Basement membrane.
Source: Ibid.
Inflammatory breast cancer.
Metastasis breast cancer.
Male breast cancer.
Recurrent breast cancer.
Initially, beast cancer may not cause any symptoms. Often, an abnormal area turns up on a screening mammogram [x-ray of the breast], which leads to further testing.
According to the American Cancer Society, any of the following unusual changes in the breast can be a symptom of breast cancer:
· Swelling of all or part of the breast.
· Skin irritation or dimpling.
· Breast pain.
· Nipple pain or the nipple turning inward.
· Redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin.
· A nipple discharge other than breast milk.
· A lump in the underarm area. [cont.]
Metastasis breast cancer.
Male breast cancer.
Recurrent breast cancer.
Initially, beast cancer may not cause any symptoms. Often, an abnormal area turns up on a screening mammogram [x-ray of the breast], which leads to further testing.
According to the American Cancer Society, any of the following unusual changes in the breast can be a symptom of breast cancer:
· Swelling of all or part of the breast.
· Skin irritation or dimpling.
· Breast pain.
· Nipple pain or the nipple turning inward.
· Redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin.
· A nipple discharge other than breast milk.
· A lump in the underarm area. [cont.]
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