On the Temple Mount stands the Dome of the Rock, an especially striking mosque with its golden dome. The mosque is also known as the Mosque of Omar, named after the Caliph Omar, in whose name the Muslim conquered Palestine.
Picture 70: Photo shot, Sahala-taylor [Me] and my spouse Mrs B.Tampubolon stood at front of Dome of the Rock.

The mosque was erected in 691, and during the Crusader period, was used as a church. The Dome is built around the Sacred Rock upon which Abraham was about to sacrifice his son .
Picture 71: Photo shot, Conny and her friend at front of Dome of the Rock.

Picture 72: Photo shot, Me, my spouse and our daughter Conny at the yard of Dome of the Rock.
2. The El-Aqsa Mosque.

Other landmarks on the Temple Mount are silver-domed El-Aqsa, built in 710 on the traditional site of Solomon’s Palace and the Palace of the Kings of Judah, and the tiny Dome of Chain, said to have been used as a treasury. Its seven-arched portico gives on to a dignified prayer hall, with a mihrab, or Muslim praying niche, on its south wall set, as is the custom, towards Mecca. Between El-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock is a round fountain—el Kas, or the Cup—where Muslims wash their feet and hands before worship.
Picture 73: Photo shot, Me and my spouse at the yard of El-Aqsa Mosque

Picture 74: Photo shot of El-Aqsa viewed from the front yard near the Wall of the Old City.
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