Revelation 1 : 5 And from Jesus Christ , The faithful witness , who first rose from the dead, and inter- have dominion over the kings of this earth. To Him who loves us and deliver us from our sins by his blood -
Figure 53 : Jesus in charge of Kings says: " Behold, I come quickly . Hold what you have , so that no one took your crown . " Revelation 3 : 11
Source : http://www.whatsaithescripture.com/
Psalm 89 : 28 I was also going to lift him into firstborn , became the supreme among the kings of the earth.

Figure 54 : Jesus with the crown as the Supreme Being among the kings of the earth .
Isaiah 55 : 4 Behold , I have given him a witness to the nations , became a king and government for the tribes .

Revelation 11 : 15 Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet , and he heard voices shrill in heaven, saying,: "Government of the world held by our Lord and His anointed Him , and He will reign as king forever and ever . "
Figure 55: Jesus with a crown on His head, who was crucified and rose from the dead, ascended into heaven to be king forever .