Isaiah 9 : 5 For a child has been born for us , a son is given to us ; symbol of government is on their shoulders , and his name is mentioned persons: Wonder Counselor , Mighty God , Everlasting Father , Prince of Peace .
Figure 44 : Jesus as Prince of Peace with white doves as a symbol of peace in his right hand and a globe in his left hand .
Figure 45 : Jesus as Prince of Peace with a white dove on his left hand and a cane in his right hand .

Luke 19 : 38 And they said : " Blessed is he who comes as king in the name of God , peace in heaven and glory in the highest ! "
Explanation of Bible verses about Jesus by the name of God or Lord as follows
Matthew 7 : 21 " Not everyone who say to me : 'Lord, Lord ! Will enter the kingdom of heaven , but he who does the will of my Father which is in heaven . "

Figure 46 : Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath .
Source : http://spiritlessons.com/documents/
Luke 6 : 5 Jesus said to them : "Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath . "

Figure 47 : Jesus in a pink dress and white robes as Lord above dew go into heaven after His resurrection from the dead.
Source : http://spiritlessons.com/Documents/
John 6 : 68 " Simon Peter answered Him : Lord, to whom shall we go ? Your words are the words of eternal life . "

Figure 48 : Jesus as Teacher and Lord taught His disciples and followers .
John 13 : 13-14 " You call Me Teacher and Lord , and you say it right , for so I am Teachers and Lord. If I washed your feet , I am the Lord and Teacher , you are also required to wash each other . "
Romans 14 : 9 : For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that He became God , both for the dead , nor for the living. "

Figure 49 : Jesus' arms and love child with other children and the mother of the child.
Jesus is Lord of all who live, children, adults , elderly people or people who are already dead .
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