Explanation of Bible verses on the head of the Church and the Messiah is as follows :
Ephesus 5 : 23 " For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Savior of the body .
Figure 34 : Picture of Jesus with a beard and long hair as the head of the church congregation in Eastern Christianity, to the sixth century .
Colossians 1 : 18 He is the head of the body , the church. He is the eldest , who first rose from the dead , that he is more mainstream in everything.
Matthew 23 : 10 "You may not be called leaders , since only one leader, the Messiah.

Figure 35 : Jesus as the Messiah with the four New Testament Gospel writers drawing on all four corners of the image , the image is a symbol of four writers with the head of " animal. " Bruschsal Cod , date 220 .

Figure 36 : Jesus as the Messiah and the bearded blond man holding a stick with two of his disciples.
Mark 14 : 61-62 " But he remained silent and did not answer, the Great Priest asked him again, he said : Are you the Messiah, Son of the Blessed ? " Jesus replied : " I am he, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Almighty , and coming in the midst of the clouds in the sky . "

Figure 37 : Jesus as the Messiah walked followed by his disciples together with other disciples , where Jesus made miracles and teaching the word of God .
Source : http://islamic.xtgem.com/ The Messiah ...
John 1 : 41 Andreas first met Simon , his brother , and he said to him : ' We have found the Messiah [ie Christ ] . "
Figure 38 : Messiah sit quietly and reflect and watch the beautiful scenery [ old town of Jerusalem ]

John 11 : 27 Martha said : " Yes , Lord, I believe , that you are the Messiah , the Son of God, which will come into the world . "
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