Some Bible verses about the degree TEACHER AND MASTER
Matthew 19: 16 Young people who get rich. "There is a coming to Jesus, saying: Master what good thing must I do to inherit eternal life?"
Mark 10: 17 "At the time he left to continue his journey, came a running to get him and as he knelt before him, he asked: Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"

Figure 16: Jesus became the Guru or Good Teacher for the family.
Source: http://thebiblerevival.com/
Matthew 6: 24 "No one can serve two masters .for if so, he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be loyal to that one and ignore the others. Ye can not serve God and to Mammon. "
Luke 10: 25 "On one occasion a lawyer stood up to test Jesus, he said: Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

Figure 17: Jesus as a Teacher with His disciples Peter and John on the shores of Lake Galilee.
Source: http://www.truthbook.com/
John 11: 28 "And after saying this he went to call his brother of Mary and whispered to him: Teacher was there and he called you."

Figure 18: Jesus in blue robes teach his followers about Christian love.
Source: http://www.breadonthewaters.com/
John 13: 13 "You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say it right, for so I am Teacher and Lord". "
Mark 12: 32 "Then the scribe said to Jesus: Exactly Master, thy word is true, that he is one, and that no one else but him."

Figure 19: Jesus as a teacher teaching in the Temple
Source: http://upload.vihipedei.org/
Matthew 23: 8 "But you may not called Rabbi: for one is your teacher and you are all brothers."

Figure 20: Time of Jesus' resurrection from the dead, Mary Magdalene, replied Jesus by saying: Rabboni meaning Teacher.
John 20: 16 "Jesus said to her:" Maria! " Maria turned and said to him in Hebrew:" Rabboni! "Means the Teacher."
Emmanuel [to be continued]
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