12 . Saviour
Explanation of some Bible verses about the Savior as follows :
Luke 1 : 46-47 " And Mary said : My soul doth magnify the Lord , and my spirit rejoices God my Saviour . "

Figure 27 : Jesus blesses a child and put his hand over the child 's forehead .
Luke 2 : 11 " This has been born to you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David . "

Figure 28 : Mother Mary with baby Jesus , Savior of the world .
Source : http://www.turnbacktogod.com/
Figure 29 : Jesus Christ is the Principal and the Center for Christian belief or faith , God and Savior of the world .
John 4 : 42 " And they said to the women : We believe , but not anymore because of what you say , because we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is truly the Savior of the world . "
1 Timothy 4 : 10 " That's why we exert effort and struggle , because we put our hope to The living God , the Savior of all men , especially those who believe . "
Titus 2 : 10 " Do not cheat, but it should always be sincere and faithful , so that they are thus in all things teachings glorify God , our Savior . "
Acts 5 : 31 " He who has been exalted by God himself with his right hand be a leader and savior, so that Israel can repent and receive forgiveness of sins . "
Acts 13 : 23 " And from this man's seed , according to which had been promised him , God raised up for Israel, the Savior , Jesus .

Figure 30 : Jesus is doing the Lord's Supper with his disciples . Nicholas Poussin , Louvre Paris , 1640 .
Peter 1 : 1 " From Simon Peter , servant and apostle of Jesus Christ , to those who , together with we obtain by faith because of the justice of God and Savior, Jesus Christ . "

Figure 31 : Jesus in the lake Gennesaret with Simon Peter, James and John. Jesus said to Simon : " Do not be afraid , from now on you will catch men . " [ Luke 5 : 1,10 ]
2 Peter 2 : 20 "Because if they do , by their introduction will be Lord and Savior us, Jesus Christ, detaches itself from the world of impurity - impurity , but longer involved in it , then eventually their situation is worse than the original . "
2 Peter 3 : 18: " But grow in grace and in knowledge of God and Savior, Jesus Christ . To him be glory both now and forever. Amen . "
Judas 25 : "One God , our Savior Jesus Christ Our Lord , for He is the glory , majesty , strength and power, before all the centuries and now and forever. Amen . "
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